Klumpke’s Palsy – Treatment
Klumpke’s Palsy is a condition that impacts one hand, wrist and forearm. It is most often seen in newborns after a difficult birth. However, it can occur in various other situations as well. The condition occurs when the C8 and T1 nerves in the lower brachial plexus are damaged.
Get A 100% Free CASE EvaluationDamage can range from mild to severe, which impacts the type of treatment needed as well as the prognosis. Once the condition has been diagnosed, the doctor will recommend certain types of treatment based on the severity.
In some situations, the arm may be placed across the body in a wrap to immobilize it. This treatment often lasts from 7 to 10 days. If the injury is mild, the doctor may recommend gentle massaging of the arm. They may also suggest range-of-motion exercises that would help improve strength. If the nerves were torn, surgery might be required to repair the tear.
If initial treatment does not yield any improvements, the doctor may then prescribe new treatment, including surgery. This may include nerve grafts or neuroma excision. Another treatment option is tendon transfer which helps the muscles involved to work better.
With a nerve graft, the surgeon removes part of a sensory nerve and grafts it to the affected area. New nerve fibers are generated and grow from the original nerve stump and into the muscles. A neuroma excision is a surgical procedure that removes part of a swollen nerve. In some cases, physical therapy may be recommended, which can include range of motion as well as exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles. Aquatic therapy may also be helpful as it places less stress on joints and other parts of the body. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation may be used to try to get the nerves to responding again. Kinesio taping has become more popular because it assists in immobilization as well as helping strengthen the affected area.
Treatment can last for a short time, or it may be part of a long-range plan, depending on whether the nerves were damaged or severed and how severe the injury. Many times, treatment is determined by the type of injury and whether the injured area will heal on its own. A doctor will talk with you about your treatment options, so you can make the best decision on how to care for your child if they have been diagnosed with Klumpke’s Palsy.