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Did Your Newborn Suffer Cerebral
Palsy or Another Brain Injury Before
or During Labor and Delivery?

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Our Birth Brain Injury Resource Guide

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Get a FREE guide of resources available throughout Ohio to children and families of children who were born with brain injuries.

Our guide can help you build a foundation of knowledge and tools that will help you help your child
now and in the future.

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Overview of Ohio Birth Injury Laws

Those who suffered brain injuries at birth and their families need plenty of assistance and support throughout the child’s life. There are a number of government and other programs that provide help to disabled people and their families.

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Americans with Disabilities Act

Elk & Elk

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is legislation that protects individuals with disabilities from discrimination. The act covers all aspects of life such as employment, education and transportation and all places that are considered public. Those with challenges must be provided the same rights as others.

The ADA consists of five titles:

  • Title I - Employment

    Provides equal employment opportunities for those with disabilities

  • Title II – State and Local Government

    Ensures non-discrimination for state and local government services

  • Title III – Public Accommodations

    Provides for non-discrimination for public accommodations and in commercial facilities

  • Title IV – Telecommunications

    Ensures that telephone and Internet providers allow services for those with speech or hearing disabilities

  • Title V – Miscellaneous

    Various provisions that protect the rights of the disabled

Disability Rights Ohio

Disability Rights Ohio is a program that is designated under federal law to advocate for and protect the rights of people with disabilities. It is also the Client Assistant Program under the Rehabilitation Act.

  • Protection and Advocacy for Assistance Technology (PAAT) – Provides individuals with disabilities and their families help in accessing technology devices and services to communicate.
  • Client Assistance Program (CAP) – Formerly the Ohio Legal Rights Service (OLRS), CAP is an independent state agency and advocacy program for people in Ohio with disabilities. The mission is to advocate for human, civil and legal rights of those who are mentally challenged. The free service offers help with a wide variety of topics.
  • Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities (PADD) – Along with the Bill of Rights Act protects human and civil rights of those who are disabled. The federally funded program serves Ohio communities and provides advocacy to students with developmental disabilities enrolled in special education programs.

Ohio Department of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities

The Ohio Department of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (ODMRDD) provides state funds for services for those with mental retardation or developmental disabilities in Ohio. The services are for those from birth through adulthood. All Ohio counties have programs funded through the ODMRDD for local residents.

Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council (ODDC)

Ohio is part of a network of state councils that help to improve community inclusion for those with developmental disabilities. State members are appointed by the governor and they represent people with disabilities, their parents, representatives from state agencies and people from nonprofit organizations that offer services to those with disabilities.

Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps (BCMH)

BCMH provides programs and services for some children with handicaps. The program is tax-supported and provides health care through the Ohio Department of Health. It offers diagnostic and treatment for a number of different conditions. Not all conditions are eligible. For example, children diagnosed with cerebral palsy are covered but those with developmental disorders are not.

Help Me Grow (HMG)

The Help Me Grow program is available for Ohio newborns, infants and toddlers as a way to provide health and developmental services to prepare children for school. Children under the age of 3 with a diagnosed condition that is likely to cause developmental delays are eligible. It provides parents with information and resources, vision, hearing and development screening, and other assistance.

Additional Resources

There are a number of additional resources available to children with disabilities and their families. Local and national support groups provide support to families as they deal with the emotional and financial aspects of caring for a disabled child.

  • March of Dimes – Offers support to improve the health and wellness of new mothers of infants with cerebral palsy. They have online discussion forums and a large social network where families can connect with others who have similar situations.
  • Cerebral Palsy Foundation – Since the 1950’s this organization has been contributing millions of dollars a year to cerebral palsy research. They advocate for increased awareness and improved medical care for patients with CP.
  • Special Needs Moms for Moms – An online support network of moms of special needs children. They offer support and information for families of children with disabilities.

Parents and family members are encouraged to participate in governmental and other programs that offer support, information and other services to those with disabilities and their families.