Klumpke’s Palsy – Support Groups
The birth of a newborn is an exciting time for a family. However, when medical conditions exist, it is also a stressful, frightening time. Klumpke’s Palsy is a condition that primarily affects newborns during delivery. Because it is considered a rare disease according to the Office of Rare Disorders, it may be difficult for you to find a support group to help you deal with this condition.
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The condition known as Klumpke’s Palsy or Klumpke’s paralysis occurs when the C8 and T1 nerves are damaged. This most often happens during birth when the baby’s shoulders and neck are stretched.
When the nerves are torn or stretched, they can no longer send signals to the affected muscles. This results in loss of movement and feeling in the arm and hand. The condition can range from mild to severe with recovery taking anywhere from a few weeks to several months. In the most severe cases, damage may be permanent.
Finding a Support Group
There are a few national support groups that focus on injuries to the brachial plexus, which includes Klumpke’s Palsy. These groups bring together parents of the affected newborns and their families with professionals and medical researchers. They provide support to the families and raise awareness of the condition. They can lead parents to resources and services.
One such support group is United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. Based in Kent, Ohio, this organization provides information on the condition as well as other birth injuries. It provides several programs, including an Awareness Program, professional liaison, and a support team. There are also forums where parents can connect with each other and find answers to questions or support for their situation.
Another organization is the Brachial Plexus Palsy Foundation. Located in Royersford, Pennsylvania, this organization also provides support for families affected by brachial plexus injuries. A third organization is the National Rehabilitation Information Center in Landover, Maryland. This organization collects and organizes information on various conditions to help families and medical professionals learn about ongoing research, as well as rehabilitation and other topics that pertain to these injuries.
In addition to the national organizations, you may be able to find a local support group that focuses on infant or newborn medical conditions. Even if they do not focus specifically on Klumpke’s Palsy, they can be a source of information, support, and resources to help parents as they deal with the effects of the condition.