Klumpke’s Palsy Symptoms
Klumpke’s Palsy affects the muscles of the hand and forearm because the C8 and T1 nerves of the lower brachial plexus have been damaged. Most commonly seen in newborns, it can occur in older children as well. The symptoms can help you identify the condition, so that you can seek treatment.
Get A 100% Free CASE EvaluationThe most common symptom is the inability of the hand and fingers to move. The condition is often recognized because of the claw hand, which is evidenced by the fingers tightening into a claw shape even though the forearm is limp.
Symptoms can range from mild to severe and may not be as noticeable in some situations. However, complaints of severe pain or stiff joints may be an indication of Klumpke’s Palsy. Many times, there is no feeling or any type of sensation in the hand or arm that has been affected. There may be weakness in muscles along the affected shoulder or arm. The person may have difficulty or be completely unable to use that hand or arm.
When a person has Klumpke’s Palsy, their arm is often limp or even paralyzed. The muscles will begin to atrophy or lose their shape and strength. There may be numbness along the C8 and T1 nerves. Another symptom that indicates the presence of Klumpke’s Palsy is drooping of the eyelid on the side of the face that is opposite the numb limb as well as recessed eyeballs or narrowed space between the eyelids. You may also notice sweating that is only on one side of the face or problems with vision.
While many of these symptoms could be indications of other conditions, when multiple ones are evident, it is as strong indication of Klumpke’s Palsy. A doctor can diagnose the condition and prescribe a treatment plan for the patient.