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Did Your Newborn Suffer Cerebral
Palsy or Another Brain Injury Before
or During Labor and Delivery?

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Our Birth Brain Injury Resource Guide

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Get a FREE guide of resources available throughout Ohio to children and families of children who were born with brain injuries.

Our guide can help you build a foundation of knowledge and tools that will help you help your child
now and in the future.

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Birth Paralysis – Life

Any diagnosis of a medical condition for an infant is a heart-wrenching moment for the parents. Paralysis is a particularly frightening condition because it can be life-changing. Parents who were planning all of the fun they would have with their new little one now have to figure out how to care for someone with a medical condition.

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Once a diagnosis has been made for why the infant has paralysis, a treatment plan will begin. If the paralysis is temporary or if it may be possible for the condition to be reversed, the focus will be on recovery.

Parents may have the responsibility of doing exercises with their newborn to help them regain mobility. In cases that are more severe, physical therapists, as well as other specialists, may begin treatments. Surgery may be scheduled for certain conditions.

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If total recovery is not expected, treatment often turns to maintenance rather than healing. For instance, a range of motion exercises can help prevent muscle atrophy. In cases where paralysis is permanent, this type of exercise will continue throughout their life.

Abilities and Enjoyment of Life

As the infant grows older, therapy will help them adjust to their limitations. They will most likely receive occupational therapy, which helps them learn how to function in everyday tasks with their limited mobility. For instance, the child may have to learn how to brush their teeth, comb their hair and get dressed with limited movement.

In the future, the child may be fitted with special devices that help them function in spite of their limitations. For example, they may learn to drive a car designed for those who are paralyzed from the waist down.

Life expectancy is good in some cases for babies who develop birth paralysis through an injury. If the paralysis was caused by a medical condition, it will depend on other factors involving the condition and how it may impact their lives in other ways.

Parents who have a child with birth paralysis will have to make some adjustments in how they raise their little one. However, it is possible for the infant to grow up and enjoy a productive life.