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Did Your Newborn Suffer Cerebral
Palsy or Another Brain Injury Before
or During Labor and Delivery?

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Our Birth Brain Injury Resource Guide

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Stress Management for Parents

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Birth Brain Injuries Create Stress for Parents

A difficult birth can be not only harmful to the baby; it can also have an impact on the parents. In many cases, a parent can become overwhelmed with the tasks that lay ahead for them regarding caring for their child. If your infant has suffered a birth brain injury, you may feel angry, burdened or depressed about having to care for the child and their special needs.

Elk & Elk

Ask for Help

As a parent, you should not be afraid to ask for assistance from friends and family to help you get adjusted to caring for the baby. If there are other children in the home, reach out to others for assistance with:

  • Cooking dinner for the family
  • Washing laundry
  • Taking care of household chores
  • Walking and feeding pets

You can often be sleep-deprived and exhausted as you spend time in the hospital with the child. It is vital that you get enough sleep to have a clear mind to make decisions related to the care of the baby. Consider taking shifts staying at the hospital and home caring for the children. This will prevent you from neglecting other children and duties.

PGet Professional Help

In addition to making sure their child has adequate care and treatment, parents should consider speaking with a therapist to discuss their feelings and anxiety. A professional will be able to provide suggestions on ways to handle and plan for caring for a disabled individual, even if it is just for a short period.

Many birth brain injuries are not permanent and may improve and heal with time. However, parents need to be realistic about the possibility of their child not making a full recovery. They also need to give care professionals the opportunity to work with their baby to restore them to full health. Placing unnecessary demands on medical staff as well as themselves will cause even more stress.

Take Time for Themselves

It does not do parents any good to spend hours at the hospital with no breaks or rest. It is imperative to take time away from the hospital and their child to keep their lives as normal as possible. Set aside some time each day to shower, eat lunch or dinner with other family members, and just relax. If parents maintain a sense of normalcy, it will help with the transition of caring for a disabled child.

Be Realistic

Understand that your child may not make a complete recovery and they may need care for an extended period of time. Give your baby a chance to heal and make sure they get all the care they need to assist them with recovery. After a child suffers a birth brain injury, parents also should consider counseling in addition to working with their child’s doctors to get a full understanding of what lies ahead of them. By seeking help from friends and family members and by supporting each other, parents will be able to manage the stress and get through this difficult time in their lives.