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Maternal Death: Anesthesia: Spinal Anesthesia

Anesthesia is always dangerous when used with a patient, but the stakes are even higher when it's a pregnant woman being cared for.

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A doctor should carefully calculate the appropriate dosage of anesthesia and ensure that the patient and the baby are prepared for this prior to administering anesthetics. However, all too often, it is the mother who may suffer catastrophic injuries.

The child may or may not survive this situation. Anesthesiologists have to make a critical and specific calculation when administering medications to women particularly when performing an epidural. The proper amount must be calculated and measured adequately, and it must be administered properly as well.

Elk & Elk

Have you suffered risky side effects because of anesthesia delivered via the spine? Or have you lost a loved one? Read on to learn more about how this can cause problems during labor and delivery.

Anesthesia of the Spine and Labor/Delivery

This kind of anesthesia is frequently used for cesarean deliveries. One of the major complications linked to this type of anesthesia is low blood pressure for the mother. This can also cause a low infant heart rate. General anesthesia is more often used in emergency cesarean deliveries. The risks here for the baby include low heart rate, placental abruption, uterine rupture and umbilical cord prolapse. Many of the complications associated with a spinal anesthetic could be completely avoided.

Problems with Anesthesia Delivered Through the Spine for an Expectant Mother

The most common complications include:

  • Unilateral foot drop
  • Dysfunction of the bladder
  • Post-spinal headaches
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Increased incidence of forceps delivery which can increase the chances of birth injuries
  • Permanent nerve damage

Unfortunately, some of these situations can even lead to the death of the mother and trying to figure out the right thing to do can be overwhelming. Spinal anesthesia is often used in situations in which the time is crucial because the onset of symptoms appears immediately with the spinal technique. However, in the event that the mother already had an epidural catheter placed, general operative anesthesia could be achieved in a couple of minutes by injecting a local anesthetic. If your loved one has died as a result of a spinal anesthesia error, you need an Ohio maternal death attorney who has handled cases like this before who can assist you with navigating the complex process of fighting back against the hospital and any pertinent medical care providers involved.