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OverviewAntepartum Hemorrhage

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Antepartum Hemorrhage

Approximately three to five percent of all labor and delivery experiences, mothers will suffer from antepartum hemorrhage, also referred to as excessive vaginal bleeding over the course of the pregnancy. There are two primary causes of this complication; placental abruption and placenta previa.

Elk & Elk

When Does Placenta Previa Happen?

Placenta previa occurs in situations when the placenta is attached too closely to the uterine wall that's covering the cervix. The placental abruption happens when the placenta separates from the uterine wall prior to the delivery of the baby. Any placental complications associated with APH can be scary for the child as well as the mother.

It is critical for physicians to monitor the mother and baby carefully over the course of the pregnancy after an obstetric hemorrhage happens because of a placental issue. If the mother bleeds during pregnancy, there is a higher chance of the baby's blood crossing with the mother's. If the mother’s blood type is classified as part of the rhesus negative blood group, she may require injections from a physician to handle this.

How Women Can Help Prevent Medical Provider Negligence

Maintaining a healthy weight and following a healthy diet bolster the immune system of expectant mothers. Communication with your obstetrician also matters for ensuring vibrant health for bringing a baby to term. Adhere to the recommended medical care schedule suggested by your medical provider and never dismiss health issues that arise that you deem insignificant. When medical provider negligence becomes a legal issue, the defense counsel typically tries to introduce evidence that links the expectant mother to health issues that might have contributed to maternal death

Premature Births and Excessive Bleeding

Another primary concern with antepartum hemorrhage is the bleeding that occurs when a baby is delivered prematurely. This is usually classified as those babies that are born prior to 37 weeks of pregnancy, and could lead to the baby struggling with breathing capability in addition to challenges presented by low birth weight. Long term complications may be associated with these conditions including cerebral palsy and brain damage. Placental problems and obstetric hemorrhage can cause fetal distress or even brain damage for the baby.

It can also lead to injuries for the mother. If your loved one has passed away as a result of antepartum hemorrhage issues that should have been caught by the physicians, you may have grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit. It is never easy to face this situation and to identify the next steps that must be taken. However, there are crucial things that you need to do to protect the interests of the baby and other surviving family members.

Surviving spouses may be eligible to file a case for wrongful death and medical malpractice if they can illustrate with the help of our dedicated Ohio maternal death lawyers that the physicians failed to take action or took inappropriate action based on the situation. Since these cases can be highly complex and extremely emotional for family members, it can be hard to figure out how to move on after such an incident.