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Postpartum Hemorrhage: Lacerations During C-Section

Bleeding during or after a delivery is a risk for any new mother. While some level of blood loss is normal and expected, part of the challenge for physicians is that abnormal levels of blood may indicate serious medical issues. One such issue is a laceration that was made improperly causing critical blood loss. If this happens, an immediate medical response is warranted.

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A C-section, much like any birth, can carry the risk of injuries for the baby as well as the mother. Unfortunately, in situations in which a mother's life is lost due to a cesarean section mistake such as a laceration injury that was caused by the doctor or one that was not responded to quickly by the doctor, you may have to file a maternal death lawsuit with the help of our experienced attorneys.

Some of the most common injuries associated with C-section births can elevate the risk level for the baby and the mother. A C-section incision can cause a laceration ranging from minor to major and in many cases, may require stitches. It can also lead to excessive postpartum hemorrhaging.

Elk & Elk

Who Can be Affected by PPH?

Any woman who carries a pregnancy beyond 20 weeks of gestation is at risk for postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). PPH is defined as losing more than 500 ml of blood after a vaginal delivery but is elevated to more than 1000 ml of blood after a cesarean delivery. Within 24 hours following the delivery, a loss of these amounts is classified as primary or early PPH.

These can be referred to as secondary or late PPH if there have been 24 hours after the delivery. In these crucial moments during birth, it is the responsibility of doctors and other medical care on site to ensure that the mother is being monitored properly and that emergency situations are being responded to promptly. No one should have to go through this process of losing a beloved family member particularly in light of celebrating the birth of a new child.

What Causes Excessive Blood Loss?

Identifying the difference between normal and excessive blood loss is a difficult issue and one that a physician should be aware of in the labor and delivery room and the hours that follow. Any woman can suffer from that condition, and it can be indicative of more serious issues.

Some of the most common risk factors for extensive blood loss following labor and delivery include:

  • Lacerations
  • Failure to progress
  • Retained placenta
  • A newborn with hypertensive disorders
  • Vacuum or forceps delivery