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Did Your Newborn Suffer Cerebral
Palsy or Another Brain Injury Before
or During Labor and Delivery?

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Our Birth Brain Injury Resource Guide

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Get a FREE guide of resources available throughout Ohio to children and families of children who were born with brain injuries.

Our guide can help you build a foundation of knowledge and tools that will help you help your child
now and in the future.

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Is your home ready for your child?

Following a birth Brain Injury (BI), your baby may spend some time in a hospital or rehabilitation center. What about when it’s time to go home? Parents and the health care team with take part in making decisions regarding your child’s readiness to be discharged from the health care facility.

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Modifying the Home

Before taking your infant home from the hospital or center, professionals from the facility should assist you in figuring out what modifications your home might need to fit the patient’s unique circumstances.

The parent is the child’s first teacher, so you’ll need to understand the function of the assistive devices in order to teach your baby as he or she grows. Be sure to read any instructions and manuals that come along with aid devices you install in your home. Discuss accommodation needs with therapy and rehabilitation professionals. Keep in mind your child’s individual needs.

Elk & Elk

Structure and Consistency

As your infant with BI grows, it is essential to ensure that your home is physically organized to meet his or her needs. Keep the space free from clutter and unnecessary distractions. Organize your belongings in a layout that is conducive to ease of movement. Bear in mind that BI can be a long-term (even life-long) disability. Structure your home now in an organized way that can accommodate life as your baby grows.

Provide structure in the child’s environment and daily actives. Always lay out items in the bedroom and bathroom, in the same way, every day. Keep the space organized and use visual wall charts and calendars to help schedule your child’s routine. Every morning, review each day’s planned activities. Provide transition time within a structured routine.

Be consistent. Use the same approach and same materials every day. It may sound boarding to repeat things the same way over and over. However, your growing child will feel safe in the consistent repetition. Set up the home environment to provide structure, consistency, and repetition. By doing this, you can avoid overstimulation.

Continued Care

The continuation of care after leaving the hospital depends greatly on the severity of your baby’s condition. In mild cases, you may go home and have periodic follow-ups with your general pediatrician. Some continue rehabilitation services after returning home. These services may be at a treatment center or private therapy. Some types of therapy may occur in the child’s home. Your therapist can help determine how your child can safely and gradually return to physical activities and active play.

Consult with Professionals

A physical therapist (PT) can teach you home exercises to do with your baby. The PT can help with information regarding wheelchairs and other supportive devices your child might need as he or she grows. Talk to the PT before returning home about what equipment is needed for in-home therapy.

An occupational therapist (OT) can provide information regarding assistive devices for daily living such as what your child might need for eating, reaching, or other day to day activities. The OT can explain the level of actives your child might be ready for as he or she grows.

A neuropsychologist can provide information about cognitive and behavioral problems. Discuss the results of any neuropsychological evaluations and what it means in regards to abilities, accommodations, and independence when returning home. The psychologist can explain problems that might arise with behavior, cognition, and emotional control. Compile a list of questions to ask the psychologist. Some questions might include:

  • How much change will we see in cognitive and behavioral skills
  • Can my child resume a daily schedule?
  • How much assistance is needed?
  • Can friends come visit?

What do I do if:

  • My child cries excessively?
  • Becomes angry with verbal and physical outburst?
  • Refuses to play with friends?