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Did Your Newborn Suffer Cerebral
Palsy or Another Brain Injury Before
or During Labor and Delivery?

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Our Birth Brain Injury Resource Guide

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Our guide can help you build a foundation of knowledge and tools that will help you help your child
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Expanding You and Your Child’s Social Networks

A child with a birth brain injury and their family do not have to be isolated. Social networks can be expanded in a few ways. One is through social media.

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For example, the Cerebral Palsy Family Network is on Facebook and other social sites, providing resources for people to connect. Families of children with the disorder and even those who have it can post and even communicate with one another. But social media isn’t the only resource out there.

Where to Start Expanding Your Network

There are many places to start looking to expand a social network. One can start with the medical facility their child is being treated at. Socializing with other patients is a good start, as many of the people there are going through a similar crisis. Physicians often have information on birth injury support groups, but this isn’t the only place to look; libraries and the Internet are good places to start as well.

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Networking is an effective way to share information if it’s not just to discuss a particular situation. Families can learn a great deal about treatments, counseling, and even financial aid. Many, however, choose to look for support groups. Expanding one’s list of social contacts can be done by joining a group. The Brain Injury Association of Ohio lists them by county, along with the medical centers, libraries, churches, and other establishments that host these groups.

Social networks can include patients and parents, in addition to medical providers and other professionals. The more individuals who have access to information and resources, the better. It’s best not to exclude anyone who may be helpful and resourceful when expanding a social network. A brain injury at birth can affect every aspect of a child’s life, and the impacts are often not fully known right away. The full range of resources available is good to know because any of them may be needed at one point or another.

Expanding into the Education System

The Ohio Department of Education maintains a broad definition of traumatic brain injury. It is more expansive than the federal view, so special education services are available to more children with a spectrum of disorders. A social network expanded into educational realms can be very beneficial. Nurses, counselors, and parents of children in special programs can be of great help and also sources of guidance. Looking where people have sent their children to address special needs provides first-hand accounts of the education, attention, and therapy they receive based on their needs.

In today’s digital world, networking can be done in person or over long distances. A broad social network can be beneficial for a parent and for a child, who can communicate and interact with individuals with similar conditions. Expanding that network can require a proactive approach in contacting agencies and individuals that understand the situation. Even a sympathetic family member, friend, or neighbor can be a great start if they have a connection or know of places to network.