Symptoms and Signs of Cerebral Palsy
Explained in Milestones by Age
(Birth until five years)
There are physical, cognitive, behavior, emotional, and perceptual milestones that an infant or child attains at certain growth and developmental time periods of their lives. Rather than outline normal milestones, the following will address potential causes for concern if these behaviors or skills are not present at certain ages starting at birth.
Get A 100% Free CASE EvaluationThese concerns may represent early evidence of a brain injury such as cerebral palsy (CP) or other developmental delays that should be addressed with a healthcare professional.
By two months of age, the baby should utilize these specific motor skills. If not, there is cause for concern. (1) moving one or both eyes in all directions, (2) smiling at others, (3) bringing hands to mouth, (4) watching moving things, (5) responding to loud sounds,(6) holding head up when pushing up with arms when lying on the stomach.
By four months of age, the infant should:(1) watching moving objects, (2) smiling at other people, (3) keeping head steady, (4) bringing things to mouth with hands, (5) making sounds like cooing, (6) pushing legs down when feet are placed on ground.
At six months of age, the baby should be able to do the following: (1) respond to sounds, (2) put things in the mouth, (3) roll over, (4) show affection or reaction to parents, (5) reach out for things, (6) make vowel sounds like 'ah' or 'oh', (7) squeal or laugh, (8) muscles should be loose, but not floppy like a stuffed animal.
By nine months of age, the baby should be able to do the following: (1) Look at objects that the caregiver points, (2) bear weight on legs with help, (3) sit upright with support, (4) babble words like 'mama” or 'dada', (5) transfer objects from one hand to the other, (6) respond to own name, (7) Recognize familiar people, (8) play games like patty-cake.
An infant at one year of age should be able to do the following. If not, there is cause for concern. (1) crawl, (2) stand with support, (3) say single words, (4) search for items hidden by the parent or caregiver, (5) points to things, (6) uses gestures like waving or shaking head, or (7) does not lose skills once developed. Any time a child loses skills that were once common, there is a huge cause for concern.
Milestones that an eighteen-month-old toddler should have are: (1) walking, (2) points to things to show others, (3) recognizes familiar things, (4) mimics others, (5) notices when someone leaves or enters a room (6) knows at least 6 words, (7) learns new words, (8) keeps skills once mastered.
At two years of age, a child should: (1) use two word sentences, 'eat food' (2) knows what to do with a brush or other common items, (3) copies the actions and words of others, (4) follows simple instructions, (5) walks steadily, or (6) maintains skills already mastered.
By age three, a child should be able to: (1) clear speech and does not drool, (2) walks up stairs and does not fall a lot, (3) completes simple puzzles, peg boards, (4) speaks in complete sentences, (5) understands simple instructions, (6) plays 'make believe', (7) plays with other children and toys, (8) makes eye contact, or (9) not regress and can perform previously learned skills.
At age 4, the child should: (1) jump in place, (2) scribble, (3) follows three-point commands, (4) speaks clearly, (5) can tell a story, (6) dresses, sleeps, and uses toilet, (7) plays interactive games and makes believe, (8) plays with other children and responds to outsiders, (9) Understands ' versus 'different,' (10) uses 'me' and 'you' correctly (11) keeps all previously learned skills
The milestones for a normal five-year-old are: (1) displays a wide range of emotions, (2) is not unusually fearful, sad, aggressive, or shy, (3) focus on one activity for 5 minutes, not easily distracted, (4) Active and social, (5) responds appropriately to people, (6) Can tell what is real versus make believe, (7) uses first and last name, (8) plays and talks about a variety of games or activities, (9) draws pictures, (10) Uses plurals and past tense correctly, (11) can get undressed, brush teeth, wash and dry hands without help, and (12) does lose skills once had.