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Did Your Newborn Suffer Cerebral
Palsy or Another Brain Injury Before
or During Labor and Delivery?

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Our Birth Brain Injury Resource Guide

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Brain Injury News and Research – The Importance of Rest

A traumatic brain injury can range from mild to severe. Mild injuries generally heal on their own over time with little to no long-lasting effects.

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A more severe injury may leave permanent issues. However, even mild brain trauma can take longer to heal or not heal completely if the right conditions are not met. One of the factors in recovery is plenty of rest.

The Need for Rest

Our brain requires additional glucose energy after an injury to help with recovery. When the person engages in any kind of activity, it diverts the energy needed from the head to other areas. The result is the brain takes longer to heal or may even cause more serious damage.

Elk & Elk

The next question often is what kind of rest? In instances involving a concussion, it is recommended that the child not engages in any activity for a few days. Not only does this mean no running, playing or other physical exertion, they should also limit any mental activities as well. Even watching television should be limited. No computer games, no text messaging and no homework. While the person may not be on complete bed rest, they are to remain quiet to help their brain recover.

One of the common mistakes that people make is they focus on physical rest rather than mental rest. They may go to bed or spend the day resting with little activity. At the same time, they continue to engage in mental activities such as checking Facebook or playing games on their phone. The result is the brain continues to be stimulated, working rather than resting.

Obtaining Rest for Babies

Babies and young children do not respond to admonitions to stop and rest as older kids and adults will. To allow their bodies and brains time to heal, additional steps may be necessary. For instance, in the case of an injury causing Klumpke’s palsy, which is an injury to the nerves controlling the arm, a baby may have their arm wrapped around their body to prevent movement, allowing the nerves to rest and regrow.

In certain situations, an induced coma may allow the child to receive the rest they need to help the brain recover. However, this treatment is offered only in special situations and under constant supervision in a medical facility.

Diagnosing this type of injury in an infant is more difficult than with older children. It is often only after they have missed developmental milestones that concern is raised. Determining the impact on cognitive skills can be even more difficult because of normal limitations at that age. In some cases, the child could be five or six years old before a definitive prognosis is made from an event that occurred at birth.

If your child has suffered such an injury, you should seek out the legal advice of an attorney. You might be entitled to compensation if the injury was the result of negligence or conduct of a medical provider.