Brain Injury News and Research - Anger Management
Get A 100% Free CASE EvaluationBrain Injuries Could Increase Anger
Babies who suffer brain injuries at birth may have emotional, physical and cognitive problems throughout their lives. The extent of the problems depends on a variety of issues including the severity of the injury and the location in the brain where the injury occurred. A child may suffer mild, moderate or severe brain damage as a result. Those with mild to moderate damage may have permanent, long-term problems including emotional problems. Some children may have difficulty controlling their emotions.
Research shows that emotions are controlled in a part of the cerebrum called the amygdala. This area is made up of neurotransmitters that send signals through the brain. These transmitters release chemicals called catecholamines providing the person with an energy boost. This boost causes the body’s heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rate to increase. The body is actually preparing for physical activity at this time. At the same time, the person may become focused entirely on the situation that is causing you frustration or irritation. The frontal lobe of the cerebrum is where judgment takes place. The area provides the ability to control emotions. In other words, a person is able to decrease intense emotions and become more reasonable.
Brain Injuries
The brain is a complex organ. An injury may happen due to lack of oxygen at birth. The injury could cause damage inside the brain near the amygdala. If damage happens to this area, it might cause the neurotransmitters to malfunction. If the frontal lobe is damaged, the baby could be unable to lower the intensity of his emotions. As a result, the infant could feel powerful emotions that are difficult to control. The child may not realize what’s happening and cannot easily stop an angry burst.
Diagnostic testing is done to determine the areas that have suffered damage. A person who has suffered a brain injury could have problems as a child, or the problem could worsen in adolescence or adulthood. Parents of children with birth injuries should be aware of the possibility of emotional problems and watch for signs should they begin to surface.
Signs of Anger Issues
Signs of aggression or rage in babies should not be ignored. While everyone gets angry or irritated from time to time, it should not be a common occurrence. Some behaviors that signal possible anger problems are:
- Extremely quick to anger, short fuse
- Becoming violent
- Escalating rage
- Outbursts
- Yelling or physically fighting
When a child begins showing any of these signs on a consistent basis it is essential to take action. The problem is likely to worsen without intervention. In many cases, the child is unable to resolve his anger problem on his own. Anger problems can plague people throughout their lifetimes. One study found that traumatic brain injury was linked to an increased incidence of road rage, which could occur in the child as they get older.
Anger Management
There are some things that can be done to resolve anger problems. The first step is to obtain a diagnosis to learn exactly what is happening. In some cases, medication may be helpful in controlling the problem. However, the baby gets older they may need to learn how to cope with their emotions and learn what to do to recognize when their anger is escalating. Anger management techniques will assist them in better dealing with his intense emotions in a more positive way. e way. e way.