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Did Your Newborn Suffer Cerebral
Palsy or Another Brain Injury Before
or During Labor and Delivery?

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Our Birth Brain Injury Resource Guide

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Get a FREE guide of resources available throughout Ohio to children and families of children who were born with brain injuries.

Our guide can help you build a foundation of knowledge and tools that will help you help your child
now and in the future.

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Assistive Technologies for Babies with Brain Injuries

When a baby is born with a brain injury, they may recover with little to no long-term effects. However, in some cases, the injury may cause permanent damage to the brain, limiting their ability to function in certain areas.

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For those infants with permanent brain damage, the focus turns to helping them adapt to their environment within their limitations. Thanks to modern technology, many assistive devices exist, which allow the child to grow and thrive and be able to do many of the same activities as their non-injured friends. These devices will change over time as the child grows and develops new needs. From classroom learning to vocational training and the ability to obtain a job, the devices give the injured child a freedom they would not have otherwise.

Programs for Assistance

Assistive technology programs are designed to help children master skills they may struggle with but are considered normal skills for children to learn. Many times, these programs begin when they are still a baby. They may monitor development, looking for any areas which may need improvement. In many instances, the full impact of the brain injury is not immediately known. It can only be determined as the child grows older and meets or fails to meet certain developmental milestones.

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Because babies are developing mental and physical skills during the first years of their life, the importance of these programs is great. They can help the child reach maximum potential so they can live a more fulfilling and independent life.

These programs focus on helping babies learn all of the basic skills, such as crawling, walking, running and jumping, as well as learning to speak. They will help with educational development such as being able to identify items, recognize shapes and sounds, and build fine motor skills such as being able to hold a crayon or pencil. As the child gets older, the programs will change to meet other needs, such as helping them with self-care.

Devices Used for Assistance

The devices used to help a child with brain injury can vary. They may include canes and walkers, wheelchairs and braces. There may be a need for a special bed, special glasses or hearing aids and other equipment to help reduce the limitations that come with the medical condition.

Many times, tablets and computers are designed for people who have limited abilities. Touchscreens help children learn when they do not have the motor control to work with a keyboard.

Doctors and other medical professionals can recommend assistive devices that will help the child. However, other programs that specialize in infant brain injuries may have even more resources to help parents. Because they focus solely on this one health care issue, they know the available resources and how to obtain the necessary devices. They can be a major source of support for parents in receiving the devices they need to help their child. The United States Assistive Technology Program is one national resource that can connect families with necessary programs and resources.