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Placental Abruption

All doctors should be prepared to appropriately monitor and respond to emergency situations for pregnant mothers. This is true whether the pregnancy was classified as high risk or not.

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Placental abruption is a serious medical issue that could lead to injuries for the baby. If this has already happened to your family, you may have questions about your rights and what you can do next to protect yourself and your loved ones.

This rare condition can erupt suddenly and can threaten the life of the mother as well as the baby. The placenta serves the purpose of nourishing a child over the course of pregnancy, and it separates from the inner wall of the uterus and abruption of the placenta. This will usually happen after the 20th week of pregnancy with no warning, but it requires immediate and experienced medical attention.

Elk & Elk

Symptoms and Complications

Pain in the abdominal area is one of the first signs of abruption although bleeding may also occur. Fetal heart rates outside the normal scope, very fast uterine contractions, and a tender uterus are other indications that an abruption may have occurred.

Although the exact causes are unknown, there are several different risk factors that can increase a pregnant woman's likelihood of suffering an abruption. These include:

  • Multiple children in the womb
  • History of smoking or drug use
  • Age 35 or older
  • History of this issue

Doctors must be prepared to react immediately to abruption symptoms because the risks to child and mother are severe. If treatment is not carried out professionally and immediately, the child may be stillborn or premature, and both the mother and child may die. Medical treatments involved in this serious medical condition often include monitoring the mother and the child, completing testing and acting quickly if a placental abruption occurs.

How Doctors Evaluate for Abruption Issues

Blood tests, ultrasounds, and questioning the mother's pain are primary methods to determine the presence of a placental abruption. Furthermore, the oxygen flow for the child should be monitored closely. Treatment for any abruption should be carried out immediately. The placenta cannot be reattached to the uterus once the abruption occurs. Women are typically admitted to the hospital in this situation, and the child may be suffering from fetal distress. A doctor should be aware of the risk factors and prepared to respond quickly if there’s concern related to the mother’s health.